2 moms + 2 states + 2 jobs = 2 little time

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A (very long) day in the life

*WARNING: This is a non-craft related and picture heavy post.*

This past Thursday this lab rat was let out of the lab! I've worked at marine science institutions for about 6 years now and this week was the first time I went out on a research vessel. That's odd considering most of the work I do relies on collecting samples from the ocean and rivers nearby.

Well, I'm so glad I took the opportunity because I had a great time and I'm not sure when I'll get the chance to go again. I'm not sure how many more 14 hour days I can handle, either!

Since it was my first cruise I was volunteered to demonstrate how to get into the life suit, or what the crew calls the 'Gumby suit'.

photo by Mike Sullivanphoto by Mike Sullivan
My tasks for the day were to:

1) stay out of everyone's way

2) collect samples
photo by Mike Sullivan


3) not puke.

I think I excelled on all fronts. Yay! Not too bad for my first cruise.

Thanks to the crew of the R/V Savannah for a fun and interesting day on the water!
